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MOV2AVI by James Holderness is tiny console application which can be used for converting Apple QuickTime video files to AVI. There are a few other ways how to perform this conversion: using RAD VideoTools, or via TMPGEncoder with special QTReader VFP plug-in, or using commercial products such as original Apple QuickTime or Ulead VideoStudio. Alternatively – if video does not use a Sorenson codec, but Cinepak, you can use another console application SmartVideo by Intel Corporation.
All these does their job perfectly: when you want to convert a single file. Worse, if you need to convert a few dozens files.
TMPGEncoder has no possibility to create a batch job in single step: something as “process directory”. The same situation occurs with commercial applications: Apple QuickTime and Ulead VideoStudio. RAD VideoTools has this option, however, you are always prompted for video-codec. Which is even more annoying.
MOV2AVI process a single file also. But, because it is a console application which supports parameters as command-line options, you can create a DOS batch file, which will execute application over and over for every individual file you choose.
This util will create that batch-file. First, you have to specify the directory and file mask to process. The directory entries are not a part of file name, because I suppose, you will copy application executable (mov2avi.exe) into the directory where the file are. It is the simplest. Next, you have to set-up a parameter conversion. All parameters are supported in this way. When pressing Generate button, a file batchjob.bat – or a file with name you specified – will be created.
The last tab – General Template - you can treat as universal template. You can enter application name, process / command code, specify parameter symbol for input and output files, as well as, the symbols which quoted that names. As the last: you can enter command line of process parameters.
When you left the output files parameter empty, the whole entry will be skipped. In case of empty input files parameter only filename – eventually in parenthesis – will be inserted. Parenthesis are divided for rare case such as »foo.bin«.
When you choose VisualBasic script (.vbs), or Java application (.java), automatically will be inserted appropriate engine, i.e. CScript.exe, or Java.exe. If you need to use WScript.exe, or any other virtual engine, just rewrite it in edit box.
Please note, that *.js and *.vbs files placed somewhere on root directory, or at Windows directory are often a virus! Be extra careful, when file has a few extensions!
There are additionally two check-boxes on the first tab (not shown on images), which you can use to display a progress info about whole batch-process. They simply add an echo command after each run: Something like: "Processed file no. 7 of 125 : 3 percent [1228799/665469978 By]" will be displayed.
In this way, you can create a batch file for any console application. This solution looks to me smarter and more useful than some special GUI (i.e. graphic-user-interface). There are at least a few hundreds so called Win32 console applications / executables / utilities, presently created not only by independent programmers, which done their job perfectly for single file only.
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All three tabs of application (click on number for full picture):
Please, take a closer look for preview window on images. The first picture is from beta version, so additional two check-boxes for echo command missed. |
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They became popular, because it is legal to publish an original source code for anything. Even for “cracking” utilities. But compiled code could be illegal tool. So author – mostly scientist, or professional genius – rather choose to publish source code works with file stream than util compiled for concrete operating system. One could be noticed, but he will break no law.
Other category is utilities for some Linux distribution. Another category are utilities, where file choosing is the only one interaction requested from user. There is no sense to expand util file size with meaningless windows and dialogs. And the last one category are utilities designed for those strange professionals, whose remember old good DOS.
Before creating a batch-job you should run application to check its settings and ensure, that no other user input will be required. Almost all video-codes, for example, will prompt a dialog for approve their sets! Some application require to “Press any key to continue ...”. And so on.
So press Start, Run and enter “command” or “cmd”. Both are DOS-shell windows. If you are Microsoft Windows XP, I recommend you to use “cmd” – it is far more safe and does not allow application destroy Microsoft Windows installation so simply. Microsoft Widows are enough self-destructed. It also has more friendly command line than classic “command”.
Switch to desired directory using “cd” command – please note, if you are moving between drives, you will have to enter also drive letter as command – see example.
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Microsoft Windows Command Console: Switching to right directory through drives [ left ] and copy from console window [ right ].
Alternatively, you can use a Command Prompt Explorer Bar by Pavel Zolnikov. It is an excelenet application, a specially when you have Microsoft .NET installed. If you use any of Norton Commander clones with customizable button bars, than you can probably insert an additional button with cmd.exe attached. In both way, a new DOS-shell window will be open in your current directory.
Fine. Type an application’s name. In most of cases, the command-line parameters will be displayed. If not, try a switch /?, or /h, or /help. Other possibility is -?, or –h. If you still not got parameter list, see the application documentation.
Try process one file and if you are satisfied with result, you can copy command-line through window’s system menu – there is an option Edit: first Select a line, then press Enter to Copy it. From clipboard you can paste it to Parameters’ edit box at Batch Generator.
I planned to extend this util with – presume – INI file capability, which will collect parameter names and ranges for concrete applications. When util starts, it will read this file and create individual tabs with edit, list and radio boxes of parameters for every application which will be found at INI. There will be also some quick-jump list to not list through all tabs to found util which user want to use.
I do not know when I found the time – if anyone want to do it, I agree in forward. Please send me source code of your solution.
You can download utility itself or its source code in Pascal. (251 kBy, resp. 19 kBy)
I am citizen of Slovak republic. According to Slovak law - in concrete Act no. 618 / 2003 (ex. Act no. 34 / 2001) - I have got a copyright automaticly. I do not maintain this site for profit, so I will not demand on "advantages" in case of foreign subjects. Slovakian companies have declared their duties clearly at mentioned act.
I am asking you for only two things: credits and link. Link should be fully vissible, i.e. e.g. http://www.ntta.szm.sk/downloads/. Present time is silly and hectic enough - there is no necessary to make more tension and behave each-other as beast.
It is against my will to use manuals printed or at electronic form - including audio-reading and video-capture - by any corporation as their internal material, without my permission. It is against my will too, to use any of presented original freeware applications by "legal subject" or corporations "en masse". You should contact me, first and tell me at least about your reasons.
diplm. mgr. ing. Marián STACH, MsTSc.
Prešov, Slovakia, Central Europe