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(ab skond') Random House Webster's College Dictionary |
URL Abscond - small toy - or utility - which scramble given URL (can be pasted through clipboard), or optionally only password part, at various level. Higher level arises more characters to mask. Characters are converted to their UTF-8 representation, which is perfectly readable by machines, but almost impossible to figure-out for most of population.
No install is necessary, just unpack it to some directory and run. After abscond URL, click copy it and paste into Address bar at your browser.
As you can check for yourself, this form is written to browser's history - someone knows you want to hide something, but not necessary will know what.
Anyway, before using it, please consider the following:
Tip: Instead of writting your e-mail address in its normal form, use HTML coded form, or text as "name (at) post-server.net", or better "name(on)post.net" - spam robots start to recognize that "(at)" fake. Please see my full research or download a special utility for camouflage it (205 kBy) from "Download" section
You can download utility itself or its source code in Pascal. (195 kBy, resp. 6 kBy)
I am citizen of Slovak republic. According to Slovak law - in concrete Act no. 618 / 2003 (ex. Act no. 34 / 2001) - I have got a copyright automaticly. I do not maintain this site for profit, so I will not demand on "advantages" in case of foreign subjects. Slovakian companies have declared their duties clearly at mentioned act.
I am asking you for only two things: credits and link. Link should be fully vissible, i.e. e.g. http://www.ntta.szm.sk/downloads/. Present time is silly and hectic enough - there is no necessary to make more tension and behave each-other as beast.
It is against my will to use manuals printed or at electronic form - including audio-reading and video-capture - by any corporation as their internal material, without my permission. It is against my will too, to use any of presented original freeware applications by "legal subject" or corporations "en masse". You should contact me, first and tell me at least about your reasons.
diplm. mgr. ing. Marián STACH, MsTSc.
Prešov, Slovakia, Central Europe